Thursday, January 10, 2019

Lab Water Purification Systems- An Important Lab Component

When it comes to getting an important lab element, there are absolutely no options left for leniency in terms of that element. This goes special if that component is a water purification system that offers ultra-purified and filtered water for different laboratory applications. The quality of water is a laboratory is something that cannot be compromised on. This is because every application that is being carried out in a laboratory involving the use of water is highly analytical. A successful laboratory is one that carries out analytical applications with great credibility in terms of repeatability, ruggedness and trust. Successful laboratory is one where there are no scopes of issues or repetitions with analytical systems, lab water purification systems and reagents or chemicals.

Why is Pure Water Important in a Laboratory?

Take for example, the basic analysis of High Performance Liquid Chromatography or HPLC. This is a procedure that involves the use of ultra-pure and filtered water at varied stages like Mobile Phase Preparation, sample preparation, HPLC injector cleaning port and for other matrices if needed. The analysts are well aware of the fact that these are some of the most basic steps that need to be taken for running a chromatogram. This means that the ultra-pure water needed for the process should be consistent on a regular basis. There is not a single step that can be skipped. Also, substandard water grade cannot be used in a lab as it might result in the lost or failure of the experiments being carried out in the laboratory. This might ultimately result in the failure of the lab.

Other Procedures that Require Pure Water

HPLC are basic technologies and the best laboratories cannot afford to spend a huge amount of time in troubleshooting these technologies for reasons that can be avoided very easily. There are other highly advanced technologies such as LCMS that also have the same hyphenated procedures that require pure and filtered water. The lab technicians and analysts working in a laboratory might not be able to take complete control on the contamination of mass spectrometry if the right lab water systems are not in place.

Quality Checks for Lab Water

It might be very difficult for lab managers to keep a close eye on the quality of water dispensed from lab water purification systems. However, reliability can always be ensured by getting systems that are known for dispensing top quality, pure and filtered water. Apart from this, it is also important to carry out quality checks in order to control the quality of ultra pure water. Quality checks on organic parameter and conductivity of water play an important role in authenticating the quality of water being dispensed by a system. This is a procedure that also helps in inventory management.


Thus, it can be concluded that laboratories with good practices will always look forward to incorporating the services of top quality lab water systems. Perhaps, it is always good to have an environment in the laboratory that is error-free and is devoid of major or minor issues pertaining to low quality or impure water.

The Advantages of Using UF Water Systems

UF water systems or ultra filtration water systems are widely used for the purpose of purifying water in homes and office spaces. Ultra ...